"Piripiri" Restaurant

The Website

Piripiri  is a restaurant concept created for a personal project of showcaste website creation. For this burgers restaurant, I chose a colorful style and vibrant image. The pictures chosen to illustrate the website were picked because they were trendy and appealing.

I designed a simple 2 pages website to attract customers and give them access to all the necessary informations. When potential customers are searching for a restaurant, it’s important that everything on the site is clear and informations can be easily found.

The homepage present Piripiri and allow customers to contact the restaurant directly. Thanks to the menu page, clients can picture themselves eating there. The dark grey background is similar to the slates used in restaurants


The graphic Design

For this project, I created a logo and several icons in the restaurant’s style guide’s colors. For said guide, I chose yellow and blue to make people think of warmth, the sea, peacefullness … and hunger.

I also created a pdf leaflet menu version. I included the Piripiri logo and carribean themed icons as illustrations.